柯马开发的基于机器人和先进计算的技术解决方案,首次在 EDP 太阳能电站的实际安装环境中进行测试。
EDP 作为全球可再生能源领域的领导者,正在利用Hyperflex 自动化技术,在实际安装条件下大规模测试其首座光伏太阳能电站的建设。名为 AutoPV的项目位于西班牙西北部的 Peñaflor,计划在 122兆瓦的总装机容量中,使用3兆瓦的机器人自动化解决方案。
EDP拥有前景广阔的全球太阳能项目组合,并日益注重技术创新和高素质人才的应用。在此背景下,EDP发现了自动化技术在光伏电站建设中的应用潜力。自2022 年起,EDP 开始深入研究自动化解决方案,并在经过多个分析阶段后,于今年七月正式启动该项目。
“EDP 站在全球可再生能源行业自动化趋势的前沿。通过投资这些创新解决方案,我们帮助太阳能电站的建设变得更快速、高效、安全和可持续。我们坚信,技术和创新是加速能源转型的关键驱动力,因此,它们也是 EDP 在全球范围内投资和增长的战略核心”, EDP Innovation首席执行官 António Coutinho 表示。
通过投资自动化工艺,EDP大幅提升了太阳能电站的建设效率,加快项目进度,有望将太阳能电池板结构的装配时间缩短达 50%。这种人机协作的模式不仅让机器人承担繁重的任务,如搬运结构和太阳能电池板,同时也让工人专注于更专业的技术工作,实现了技术效率与人工专长的有效结合。
“Peñaflor 的试点项目只是将自动化解决方案引入 EDP 成熟太阳能业务计划的第一步。EDP 的目标是将这一过程转变为全球一体化的流程,能够为公司的所有运营创造竞争优势,并提升我们的人力资本,以便开展更具资质的活动”,António Coutinho 总结道。
该项目得到了柯马自动化技术的支持,柯马是一家意大利公司,也是为汽车和造船等不同行业设计和制造机器人及自动化解决方案的全球领先企业。试点项目使用名为 Hyperflex 的移动工厂建造太阳能电站的一部分,包括一个自动装配站用于预装配光伏结构,以及一个将该结构运输到地面最终位置的移动设备。整个系统通过卡车运送到太阳能电站,并在现场进行建造和装配。Hyperflex 和移动设备的自动化过程分为三个主要阶段:从卡车卸载和装配、操作(即结构施工)到为下一项任务进行拆卸。
“与 EDP 的合作证实了自动化在可再生能源领域的重要性和附加值,尤其是在太阳能电池板安装方面。这也彰显了我们在开发灵活应对不同需求的创新解决方案方面的持续努力。凭借先进的技术,我们使客户和合作伙伴享受到更优的质量、更高的效率和更低的总体成本,帮助他们将可持续的太阳能变成现实”,柯马首席执行官 Pietro Gorlier 说道。
目前,EDP所有能源生产中有 98% 来自可再生能源,包括太阳能,该公司的太阳能装机容量超过 4吉瓦。作为全球能源转型的领导者,EDP 始终坚持其可持续发展目标,包括承诺到 2025 年停止煤炭发电,到 2030 年实现 100% 绿色发电,到 2040 年实现净零排放。
EDP is a global energy leader with a presence in Europe, North America, South America and Asia Pacific. The company operates across four primary platforms (Renewable Generation Assets, Networks, Client Solutions and Global Energy Management), with more than 13000 employees across the globe.
We are pioneers in renewable energy and one of the largest producers in the world through a global portfolio of assets across onshore and offshore wind and solar, as well as hydro, totaling 26.6GW of installed capacity. We are leveraging this portfolio continually to drive increased renewable deployment through the technologies of the future such as green hydrogen and the hybridization of renewable assets and storage, while expanding our grid infrastructure – a key enabler of the energy transition.
At EDP, we are proud to be one of the greenest utilities in the world, with 98% of our energy generated from renewable sources and rank first globally as the most sustainable utility company in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. We are going coal free by 2025, all-green by 2030, and net-zero by 2040, investing more than €17 billion into the energy transition by 2026. This will boost our renewable capacity, reinforce our electricity networks, support our clients and empower communities in the transition to a more sustainable planet.
EDP Renewables (EDPR) is a global leader in renewable energy development with a presence in four regions including Europe, North America, South America and Asia Pacific. We have a sound development portfolio of top-level assets and market-leading operating capacity in renewable energies.
Our business encompasses onshore wind, distributed and large-scale solar, offshore wind (through a 50/50 joint venture – Ocean Winds) and complementary technologies to renewables, such as hybridization, storage and green hydrogen.
With 16.6W deployed across multiple technologies and a €12 billion investment plan up to 2026, we are committed to driving social progress with a particular focus on sustainability and integration. Our employee-centered policies have earnt EDPR a listing in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index and led to recognition as Top Employer 2024 across Europe, Singapore, Brazil, Colombia and Chile.
EDPR is a division of EDP, a global leader in renewables and the energy transition with over 13,000 employees worldwide. The group is committed to becoming coal free by 2025 and all-green by 2030, a global ambition that reflects EDP’s role and accelerates its sustainable growth over the longer term. In addition to strong renewable assets, EDP also operates across the globe in electricity networks, client solutions and energy management. The group is acknowledged as the most sustainable electricity company in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.