Learning by experience
Our company is made of people and their know-how.
Our company is based on a culture of automation and through the Comau Academy we want to share our knowledge providing masters, training programs, seminars and publications to companies, professionals and young talents.
Comau Academy offers a vaste range of courses dedicated to professionals and young talents.
Discover our offers, choose to invest in your future.
Acquire the technical and managerial skills needed to design and manage advanced industrial automation solutions.
Training Programs for Companies and Professionals
The world of manufacturing is changing.
The best people are needed to face the new production challenges.

Robotics Training

Training Programs for Young Talents
Here at Comau we trust in young talents and we want to continue to invest in the future.

Inspiring and engaging e.DO™ Experience
Here at Comau, we are working directly with students and teachers to further evolve the use of robotics as an innovative learning tool.
e.DO™ is a flexible and highly versatile interactive robot designed to stimulate critical thinking and problem solving and students’ participation inside and outside the classroom.
From activity-based Math lessons for primary schools to advanced Mathematics with aspects of Physics and Economics for high school students, e.DO makes learning fun while helping prepare students of all ages for the future.
Our robotics-based learning offering even includes helping high school students acquire an internationally-recognized robotics certificate. The e.DO educational philosophy is helping more and more teachers deploy robotics within the classroom as part of a modern and highly-relevant school-to-work learning path.
Web Academy
Improve your skills with our Web Academy, right from your desk.

From 45 years of experience in Industrial Automation, come a set of operational, managerial and practical guides by Comau. Project & People Management – An Operational Guide illustrates the experiences, methodologies and practices used globally by Comau Group to manage projects and people.
Managing Challenges Across Cultures – A Multicultural Project Team Toolbox presents the results of a multi-year programme conducted by the Comau Project Management Academy in collaboration with TCO International.
Published in 2018, Giovani, Università e Azienda: il nuovo perimetro formativo- L’esperienza della Project & People Management School (Young People, Universities and Businesses: the new training perimeter – The experience of the Project & People Management School) presents the training model of the P&PM School Comau, an expression of strategic collaboration between the academic and business world.