Comau expands electrification upskilling supporting PhD programs with Politecnico di Torino and Milano

Grugliasco (Turin), July 28 2022 – Comau has joined forces with Politecnico di Torino and Politecnico di Milano to deliver hands-on education as part of a 3-year PhD program in 5 fields of battery cell manufacturing. The multi-faceted educational offer, which includes a full scholarship for each of the five PhD program paths, underscores Comau’s commitment to fully address the needs of its customers in the electrification sector. By helping develop the competencies required to build next-generation e-mobility solutions, Comau is both extending its internal E-Skill upskilling program, while supporting the formation of young talents.The five PhD programs will address the technical and development aspects of battery cell manufacturing, including process design and assembly of rechargeable cells. Students will collaborate with the Comau Global Competence Center on Battery Cell Manufacturing, spending at least 6 months inside Comau for hands-on skills development, and another 6 months or more in a foreign University, Research Center, or Company. At the end of the program, qualified students will be hired by Comau as full-time employees.

“Comau has a long history of working with top Italian Universities to cultivate skills that can meet the demands of ever-changing industrial sectors, such as electrification. For this reason, we are well-suited to train these young PhD talents as they strengthen their theoretical and practical knowledge in next-generation battery cells,” explains Gian Carlo Tronzano Head of Battery Cell Global Competence Center – Head of P&E e-Mobility “Here at Comau, we believe young people are the future of innovation and we fully support their path in becoming agents of great transformation within e-Mobility.”

Activated under the framework of the European Recovery Plan, which has been adopted in Italy by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, the scholarships are available for the following program paths:

Politecnico di Torino:

○ Innovative formation system for lithium-ion cells

○ Development and scale-up of polymer-based electrolyte for next-generation rechargeable batteries

Politecnico di Milano:

○ Battery manufacturing for future mobility: smart and high-volume laser manufacturing processes of solid-state electrodes for rechargeable battery cells

○ Battery manufacturing for future mobility: design and control of flexible assembly systems for high speed and high accuracy assembly processes of solid-state rechargeable battery cells

○ Battery manufacturing for future mobility: high speed process monitoring, inspection, and control for manufacturing processes of solid-state rechargeable battery cells

All programs will start by December 31, 2022. For info and registration.

With regard to the internal advanced training and updating of its people, Comau is constantly engaged in dedicated projects, with a particular focus on e-Mobility. From 2019 to the present, in fact, the company has been delivering specific training on electrification worldwide, giving each participant the opportunity to benefit from more than 50,000 hours of training, taught by 145 Comau managers specializing in different business areas. In particular, 2019 saw the launch of E-Skill, an internal resource upskilling program focused on the analysis of new market trends, such as the development of innovative production processes and new technologies to support companies of all sizes and sectors in the field of electrification.