Comau offers its customers increasingly advanced electrification expertise through an innovative in-house upskilling program

Grugliasco (Turin), June 1st, 2022 – Electric mobility is one of the main drivers of the energy transition. According to the European Environment Agency, more than a quarter of total CO2 emissions in Europe come from the transport sector. In line with the EU strategy aiming at a total mobility decarbonization, the shift using fuel-efficient vehicles powered by renewable sources is an indispensable choice in helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is a revolution that requires increasingly advanced skills and constant technological innovation from industry players in order to be fully accomplished.

In this context, to meet new market challenges and respond to the production needs required by customers in the electrification sector, Comau is constantly engaged in projects for the advanced training and updating of its people, with a particular focus on e-Mobility. From 2019 to the present, in fact, the company has been delivering specific training on electrification worldwide, giving each participant the opportunity to benefit from more than 50,000 hours of training, taught by 145 Comau managers specializing in different business areas.

In particular, 2019 saw the launch of E-Skill, an internal resource upskilling program focused on the analysis of new market trends, such as the development of innovative production processes and new technologies to support companies of all sizes and sectors in the field of electrification. This innovative course, designed and organized in collaboration with Comau’s internal Academy, was conducted both in presence and e-learning modes. Starting in 2022, Comau extended its E-Skill training to Europe and the rest of the world, involving workers, technicians, and managers in different business areas. Within this phase, from January to April 2022, Comau launched the Crash Program on Battery Cells, an intensive course focused on the development and management of cell production lines for electric batteries. Also in April 2022, the E-Skill Evolution project started globally, which will involve employees in training activities through April 2023. The project focuses on technologies and processes for the production of electric batteries (cells, modules and battery packs) and the development of effective business strategies for companies in the sector, through the analysis of interesting use cases implemented by Comau around the world.

“Comau has always been committed to continuously updating the skills of its employees, globally, through training projects capable of enhancing their professional development, while at the same time meeting the demands of ever-changing industrial sectors, such as electrification,” explains Valeria Ricotta, Talent Acquisition and Training Manager. “The E-Skill program aims to improve and strengthen theoretical and practical knowledge, with a course developed to help companies face new market challenges and boost investments in innovative processes and technologies as required by the energy transition.”

“Starting from listening to the needs of our customers, who are present all over the world, Comau is able to design and develop increasingly effective technologies in the field of electrification. The constant training of our resources, therefore, becomes an essential element to allow Comau to consolidate its role as a leader, at a technological level, in electrification, one of today’s most innovative sectors,” notes Giancarlo Tronzano, Battery Cells Global Competence Center Leader and technical director of the course.