Comau participates in the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce networking event in Shanghai

Shanghai, Dec 13, 2022 – On December 8th, the year-end business roundtable and Christmas banquet organized by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) came to a successful conclusion. More than 50 Italian companies were represented at the event, where Comau Head of Countries Cluster APAC and CICC Shanghai Vice Chairman Gaetano Cantalupo was invited to attend and participate in the business roundtable with the topic “Mechanical & Innovation”.

Under the theme “China Outlook 2023”, Cantalupo said during the panel discussion that China’s continuous investment in intelligent manufacturing, robotics and industrial IoT in recent years will enable a new information infrastructure and provide a solid foundation for the development of the intelligent economy and the transformation and upgrading of industry. Faced with numerous challenges such as recurring pandemics and supply chain disruptions, Comau is committed to empowering industry transformation, modernization and sustainable development with digital innovation, leveraging its industry expertise to provide customized solutions and services to its customers. 

Electrification represents the future of the mobility industry, which means that promoting more efficient and sustainable production of batteries and electric motors is a key challenge for the automotive and transportation industries. Comau works with the world’s leading OEMs to support them in creating flexible and effective production processes, while providing innovative technologies for traditional, hybrid and electric vehicles, accelerating the expansion of the product portfolio and achieving its customers’ and the industry’s development goals today and in the future. 

To help Italian companies in China effectively study and assess economic development, Senior Partners from the management consulting firm McKinsey & Company were invited to share the macroeconomic outlook, saying that companies need to better understand the fundamental changes that are taking place in the Chinese market in terms of social, demographic and technological changes. Companies need to continuously improve their growth strategies in China, taking into account income levels and new changes in consumer behavior. They also need to do the same with their existing customer base.

At the end of the event, Mr. Cantalupo as Vice Chairman of CICC, made the closing remarks for the Business Round Table. He thanked all the guests for their presence and interest in understanding the current situation of fashion, lifestyle, luxury, automotive and manufacturing industries, and provided insights regarding the future of business in China for the coming year. Cantalupo also expressed his hope that the CICC will continue to enhance its influence in the coming year and make more efforts and contributions to serving member enterprises and promoting China-Italy economic and trade exchanges.