Comau joins “Upcell – European Battery Manufacturing Alliance” to help create a production chain for batteries in Europe

By confirming its commitment to the field of electrification, Comau has become a partner of “Upcell – European Battery Manufacturing Alliance”, an association that has just been established to promote the creation of a totally European value chain for the development and production of electric batteries.

Comau participates in Upcell together with 37 partners from the industrial, institutional and academic worlds of different countries, who will actively collaborate to grow the European industry in the design and manufacture of cells, modules and battery packs, with the aim of promoting the total autonomy of the European production chain and its role as a global guide. In line with the European Union’s decarbonisation and energy transition policies, Upcell is committed to accelerating and facilitating the transition to electric mobility in Europe by promoting the development of advanced technology solutions and innovative work processes, and participating in research projects and networking activities.

In particular, Comau brings to this new network its know-how and experience in electrification as a manufacturer and supplier of facilities for the production of cells, modules and battery packs and the development of increasingly innovative and sustainable industrial solutions for the management of their recycling and reuse processes.

In order for the European battery industry to be successful globally, and to meet the growing demand in the market, it is necessary to invest in the continuous technological advancement of the industry” explains Gian Carlo Tronzano, Head of Battery Cell Global Competence Center and of P&E e-Mobility – . Sharing the mission of Upcell – European Battery Manufacturing Alliance –, Comau is pleased to provide a strategic network with innovative technology solutions designed to accompany European companies in the electrification process.”.

Comau’s participation in Upcell is also joined by three major partnerships for the development and expansion of the European battery industry last year:  the European Battery Alliance (EBA), the Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA) ,of which Gian Carlo Tronzano is an Executive Board Member, to which he is also participating in the European Technology & Innovation Platform (ETIP) for batteries.