Comau receives the “Poster Award” by the WCPEC-8 Scientific Committee in Milan for its innovative technology solutions for the renewable energy sector

Grugliasco (Turin), September 28, 2022 – Comau participated in the eighth edition of the World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion 2022 (WCPEC-8), an event of worldwide significance dedicated to research, development and new trends in the photovoltaic segment, which took place on 26-30 September in Milan.

During the event, at a live session held on 28 September, Giovanni Di Stefano, Head of Comau’s Advanced Robotics and Digital Solutions Global Competence Center, presented Comau’s know-how and experience in the renewable energy industry, illustrating as a preview an innovative solution the company will launch on the international market within a few months: An advanced robotized system managing, directly on site, the automated construction of photovoltaic farms. Among the hundreds of submissions made by major International Research Institutes and companies in the photovoltaic industry, Comau was presented with the “Poster Award” by the Scientific Committee for its innovative contribution.

Comau developed an innovative project aiming at offering players in the field a revolutionary technology making more efficient, swift and cost-effective the installation of technologies for the supply of alternative energy – said Giovanni Di Stefano, Head of Comau’s Advanced Robotics and Digital Solutions Global Competence Center -. So, Comau becomes a global point of reference for businesses operating in the field of renewable sources, with the will to facilitate and boost the energy transition worldwide”.

The system developed by Comau works like a small mobile, temporary plant capable of managing on site all stages of photovoltaic tracker assembly from assembly of structures and panels, to installation and to logistics. Such new production paradigm helps Comau increase speed of work processes by 25%, thus significantly reducing time-to-market. A further asset lies in production quality, with a reduction of assembly costs per panel up to 35%. From the viewpoint of a perfect man-machine collaboration, this new system helps improve the safety and well-being of operators while simplifying and lightening their tasks, with a positive effect on productivity which may increase by up to 30%. Furthermore, Comau considers that the adoption of such new productive approach can help constructors save almost three weeks of work for starting up a 50 MW photovoltaic farm.

More information on the World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion 2022 is available on the formal site of the event.